Thursday, March 22, 2012


Once going up the mountain once it reminds you of what you should be doing…so up again on Sunday. Had a two dog escort and Shadow really lives up to her name…she would follow right behind me and step on the back of my flipflops…then she would race ahead and come back long enough to step on my shoes again before racing off…Ute and Taonga were way ahead so I missed most of the conversations on the way up but I was ok with that. Beautiful green all around…above the mountain hut we found more of the tall grass to swim through but then we were up above…and you couldn’t quite see where you were putting your foot but at least your face was mostly free from lashings…we watched the clouds come in and we did get a little wet on the way down but it wasn’t too bad. Taonga was quite impressed that I did the climb in flipflops but I can’t imagine putting my feet into shoes for the climb even with the wet steps…wet on the way up (dew on the long grass) and wet on the way down (rain)…
And then just 5 min from home Shadow banished herself from inside the house by finding something really smelly to roll in…ewww!

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