Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Dear friends,
As most of you know, I’ve been home from Haiti for over a year and a half discerning what will be my next step/adventure/mission in life. I’ve done odd jobs here in Black Mountain and gone on shorter mission trips: to the Open Door Community in Atlanta to visit my sister and join them in their work with the homeless and against the death penalty, to Malawi with Marion Medical Mission to install wells in villages, to the Los Angeles Catholic Worker House to see their ministry with the homeless on Skidrow, and to a conference on social and ecological justice and how they intertwine.
I now have two upcoming trips! In August, I will join a two week delegation to Kenora, Ontario with Christian Peacemaker Teams. CPT is an organization that offers a nonviolent alternative to war and conflict. It provides support to people committed to nonviolence. Delegation members provide encouragement for communities experiencing violence, challenge violations of human rights and promote active nonviolence to settle disputes. Specifically for this delegation, we will see 1) how corporate clear cut logging of Asubpeeschoseewagong traditional territory has destroyed hunting, trapping, food and medicine gathering activities, 2) how Indian Residential Schools have deeply and negatively impacted families and communities in the area, and 3) how mercury contamination discovered over 40 years ago continues to poison residents. We will meet with indigenous and non-indigenous community leaders and residents to explore these issues, with a goal to plan a public witness/nonviolent action to confront these problems.

This delegation trip is the first step in what could be a 3 year long-term volunteer posting with CPT. When I return I plan to apply to the 4 week training program!
My second trip is back to Africa for 3 weeks, again with Marion Medical Mission helping to install more wells. I know from my last experience with them that the long, dusty days are tough but the smiles, dancing, and celebrations wipe all the feelings of exhaustion away when the well gives up clean water for these villagers. Last year, I helped install 73 wells (providing clean water to approximately 10950 people). I look forward to doing it again!
And so, once again, I am asking for your support. Prayers are most important and needed as I can’t do any of this on my own. Financial support is also helpful and appreciated. Here are my estimated expenses:

$ 725 cost for CPT delegation
$ 725 transportation to Kenora, Canada
$2500 transportation to Africa
$ 400 food and housing
$ 250 vaccines, medication, visa
$4600 total

Checks can be made out to Jessi Stitt and sent to:
Jessi Stitt
203 Tomahawk Ave.
Black Mountain, NC 28711
Or online donations can be made to CPT just be sure to put my name on the memo line!

I will update my blog and give presentations when I return from both trips. Any questions or comments are welcome! 828-674-9113 or

Thanks for your consideration, prayers and support!
Peace, jessi