Friday, May 17, 2013


We’ve heard rumors about an English service somewhere on Delmas (close enough to get to but far enough to require some planning). Matt and I were on our way to find it when we got a call from the group we had in country called and asked if we would go with them to the services they were going to. We hadn’t actually gotten out of the neighborhood yet so we decided to turn around and come back. We had thought since the group had been here multiple times they would be ok on their own but I also understand that they would want us (Matt) with them. We had missed the Terre Noire service but picked them up and took them to Cite Soleil and then Repatriate. The services are spread out enough (and long enough) that it works for groups to visit 3 churches on a Sunday morning. Terre Noire starts at 6. If you leave just before communion for Cite Soleil (starts at 7) and stay until you have communion and then leave for Repatriate (also starts at 7) for the sermon and end of the service. I think it is good for the groups as we don’t really understand what is going on but they get to experience 3 pretty different churches. Try as I might I still can’t understand most of the services but the dedication and energy found in the services is refreshing and inspiring.

Terre Noire

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