Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We had a team down from Ambler, PA. It was a large group and they spread out to do some education, construction and medical work while they were here. I didn't get to know the medical team that well. They worked very hard at the clinic and put in some long days. But I got to paint with parts of their construction crew on Tuesday and Friday mornings. On Tuesday they were finishing up the house they had started on Monday…I started as the supervisor since we didn’t have enough space inside for all of us to paint and not enough paint to start the outside. But don’t worry—they didn’t put up with that for long and I was put to work. On Friday we painted the inside of one of the associate pastors of the church here at Terre Noire. There were a lot of us on that job and we got it knocked out pretty quickly. They were a fun group. 3 of them had been down in January on a scouting trip for their church so it was fun to see some familiar faces. Each night after dinner there was an UNO run with at least 5 people playing and sometimes up to 10. Lots of trash talk and also apologizing for the special cards…I didn’t quite understand the apologizing but then I only had them around for a week and they were going home together—maybe that had something to do with it.
It was a pretty hot week that they were here and many of them set up on the roof to sleep. I was tempted but couldn’t find the desire to move a mattress up and down each night and morning so I stayed in my room. They just had to wait for the evening sprinkle to come and go which it did almost every evening.

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