Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Jack go and take a cow to a man. So Jack gave him a cow. So the man was afraid but the man gave Jack a cow. Jack go home. Jack play with the cow.
Jack go and take a cow. The cow was very happy. But jack was happy when he saw a cow. Ack was playing with the cow stared to cry.
Ther are boy and the mother. And the mother have the boy seeds. And the cow was just quit. And the boy was helping her mother. And the seeds give the cow.
The lettir (little) boy wont to Play with his hors. and the Man was tell him that He shood do that. he wos Tell him and he do want He was tell him and he Was do with his hors. and the hors help the boy And the man came bak And the man tell him good.
The boy walked on the street. The boy walked on the street and saw a farme. The boy wlked on the street. He walked in it. H saw a man. Jack exchanged his caw for bean seeds.
The boy is chaned the cow. This home is very nice. The boy wented to hlap his father. The cow was very hung. The cow was in the house.
The boy gave his cow he wanted a bee seeds. The cow was skard. The cow dan’t want te man. The man want the cow. The boy was going to eat the seeds.
There was A boy. He was going to Her friends Dad said came Here. dad I am going to my friends okay lets go? oh Jack I am going to town but can you see my cow okay Dad! So do you no This yes I no. bye see you letter. Jack your mamy is comig. Bat don’t go There okay bye Dad. Is okay it will bee yours. That is good Dad love me? Mom Come Here Dad gave me. Mom is so good cow.
The boy want to help his Father. And want his father he find he giv him maonew (money). And he giv the seeds to give throw And his father want always. And th boy start to give th cow And os the cow start to eat.
The mother come to take a cow. To gave me a com. What is name. my name is David What you doing.

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