Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Off to the market on Saturday. Matt, PG (Haitian artist) and Jan Gaudy (pronounced John Goody) (works for HOM) came with me. It was not too far from the compound and I think only 2 turns to get there but I was glad to have the company (and didn’t have a choice). The ground was muddy and the small road way was quite narrow…There was produce though not the prolific amount I was expecting. Small stalls on each side of the road with produce or soaps or shoes/flip flops. One place was even selling electronic items—I saw a blender but only the container part that one lady was trying to explain to a guy how it would work. Christmas lights for sale but they didn’t work so we didn’t get them. I found grapefruit and passion fruit that I bought as well as some doughnuts that were very tasty. I saw avocados but was told we have them all the time at HOM—I still haven’t seen any and am kicking myself for not getting some.
It was nice to get out and walk around some. On our walk back to the compound Matt thought he recognized a girl passing by but she had no idea who we were (and if they’d met us they would have known—white skin and all) and I could tell she thought we were pretty scary for the reception that she got from a complete stranger. A funeral procession passed by on our way back. Another little girl came and took my hand as we made our way back—a beautiful smile that made my day.
The gate for the new high school was delivered and installed. Now construction on the inside can start once there is money to build.

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