Monday, December 10, 2012


Sunday Diane and I started church here at Terre Noire (where I’m living). Church starts at 6:30am…and we can’t sleep in because it is on the compound. We were there long enough for me to be introduced as a visitor…and then we took off for another church. We went to Repatriate as Pastor Leon Dorleans was preaching there (under a tent as the church hasn’t been rebuilt yet). He is the Executive Director of HOM. The church there was just beginning when we arrived around 8 (I think). He let us use his hymn book to sing along—very helpful for the French hymns. I was again introduced as a visitor (Diane has already been to the churches). When Pastor Leon started his preaching he had us stand up again and introduced us with more information. Matt was an anesthesiologist and now is the volunteer coordinator for HOM. Diane is helping to get the high school started as she is an expert at high schools at home. Jessi is here to teach English for a year. She is single and living at Blanchard. All this was in French/Creole. I have to admit I usually try to keep that fact out of the announcements because I would have to say it comes in handy at times to have a husband or a boyfriend no matter how far away they are (or how imaginary) but ok. I find myself able to follow some of the sermons as they are a mix of French and Creole…I understand for a bit and then wonder what is happening and then realize the speaker has switched to Creole. This sermon was 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Word is inspired by God to help us to live for him in all that we do.
After church we took Diane to the airport—hard to see her go but I know she is coming back and Monday was my first day in the school!

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