Sunday, July 4, 2010


As azungu (foreigner/white person) walks are only semi relaxing as you get gawked at by everyone you pass, greeted by random strangers and tested on your Chichewa (greetings and more), and yelled after like at a zoo. I think the kids have lookouts posted to yell at the top of their lungs “AZUNGU!! AZUNGU!!” which calls all the rest of them from whatever and wherever to come see the azungu walking by. You then get bombarded with “hello hello hello hello” that often doesn’t stop until you are out of sight whether you answer or not. When you do respond occasionally you will hear “how are you?” but most often you hear “give me money” or a pen or balloon or sweets or… some of the more entertaining questions/requests/commands we have heard are “give me my money” to which I respond that I don’t have their money but if I did I would give it to them. They also like to ask what your name is. Sometimes they will say hello first but not always. I’m wary of giving out my name but then so many people have it already that I usually just give it to them so when I walk anywhere even by people I don’t know or remember say jess. It is better (for us) when they ask “what is my name?” “I don’t know what your name is” and I could guess but it would take a long time with options like all the English ones plus Chichewa and then Precious, Delicious, Promise, Hope, Praise, Bornface, Gift. Lonely…

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