Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Beginning!!??

Well not really the beginning. I think it started in July when I started the idea...But the start of the actual travel was yesterday. In which case I should be in Johannesburg (Jo’burg), South Africa now but it wasn’t meant to be yet. The blizzard in Chicago held up my plane in Charlotte and so I (and most other travelers) missed the connection. Standing in line for 4 hours to get to the customer service desk, I got to stay at the Hyatt Dulles (WOW) and meet all sorts of people in line. Slept so well (granted I thought I was ON the flight today) and had what was quite possibly the first of very many strange dreams as a side effect of the antimalaria pills I’m taking. (big dinner out doors, spilling/tripping and catapulting mashed potatoes while trying to clear up, and trying to make a model of the building we were sitting outside of) Back to the airport today and lines to get a ticket (standby) and then to check in at the gate (still standby) The plane yesterday must have been empty as we all now are on standby for the flight tonight.


  1. May God bless you on your travels. I was with a group once that missed a Jo'burg connection at JFK by 20 minutes due to a thunder storm. We got out on the "next" flight 24 hours later. Sweet dreams (with those pills). jim

  2. if it was easy everybody would do it......
