Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Waiting in Hope

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, in God’s word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5 

The faith that we find in these villages is not without doubt, but it is couched in hope. Hope for clean water, hope for promises kept, hope for health, hope in God.

Words from some village leaders:

 •  We knew we wanted a well and so we made bricks in the hopes that help would come. 

•  We waited all day yesterday - until dark. But we knew you would be coming. 

•  We have been waiting and doubting that this would truly happen, but now it is here. 

My understanding is that a village wanting a well has many steps to get one. They form a committee and go to the local government who can tell them the organizations that work in their area. If MMM is picked, they must provide the sand, bricks, gravel, and labor. There is a yearly maintenance fee and there will be a trained maintenance person in the area. They meet with an MMM worker and pick an appropriate place for the well. 

In between each of these steps there is lots of waiting, time for doubt to creep in. Time to remember other foreign help that was offered but never actualized. 

And then the season comes. Building season is a frenzy. The top slab is made, and the well is dug until there is at least 6 feet of water in the hole. Bricks and clay surround it and the cement top slab is placed. 

Then more waiting: waiting for installation time and the volunteers to arrive, in country and to this particular village. Communication can be spotty. Challenges arise and installations take longer than anticipated, which means that the next well will have to wait for another day or longer. And so doubt creeps in. Disappointment. But the hope is still there. The preparation has been done. In the end, MMM installs the well. Clean water is celebrated and glory is given to God. 

Application Question: We all wait in hope. What are you waiting for? Praying for? Remember that God’s time isn’t our time and hold on to your hope even if you are doubting. 

Prayer: O Creator, thank you for the hope that you have instilled in each of us. Help us to hold on to hope even when we doubt, even when we think it has been too long. Remind us that you love us and want the best for us. Amen

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