Saturday we all came together again. From Zambia, Tanzania, and Malawi we met back where we started in Mponela. We have dinner all together and then joined in a conference room to share our experiences, thinking about how to tell the story, raise the money for wells, for clean water, for our neighbors.
We got the numbers. Of the 4,450 wells that is the goal this year, 3,227 wells have been verified and installed so far!! Team 3 (the Africans) will finish up in the next couple of weeks. We also were told that only 2,109 wells have been funded so far…but that we have until January to fix that.
So once again $475 will get you a well card, all money goes to wells unless otherwise designated, and any amount helps! Donate here 😃💰
It started with a surprise birthday party for Mama Jocelyn. Her 80th is coming up and she told Tom that she wanted to celebrate with the field officers and coordinators. She had no idea this was coming (as it is about 5 months early). She was crowned, jeweled and sceptered. Each of the 4 programs brought a cake and sang to her. It was elaborate!