Thursday, October 6, 2022


At the end of the dedication we give time for someone to speak. Usual sentiment is thank you, thank God, thank those in America who sent you and sent funds for the well. One headman apologized for not having time to kill a goat for us. He said we should come back sometime and we would have the goat.
At so many wells the women sing. They are encouraged by all (men, other women, the workers). Some songs I hear often and can ‘sing along’ others I try to clap but the beat is often off for me…most are call and response or lined out (easier to repeat)
🎶’The well is coming today, today the well is coming’ 🎶 can change to ‘marioni is coming today, today Marion I is coming’ 🎶 to ‘today the has arrived, the well has arrived today’ 🎵one song was a prayer for God to grant the people wisdom and peace amongst people 🎵
🎶Thank you 🎶 repeated (zikomo and totrakoza)
🎵Welcome visitor. You are most welcome, how are you, how was you night (or morning)🎵
And then there are the ones I don’t know or recognize.
One day I had to grandmothers at 2 different villages sing to me their thanks. One was after the installation and we were back at the truck getting ready to leave. I was looking at her from the drivers side through the passenger window. She had such a big smile and looked right at me. 
The second was as we arrived. It was a song I didn’t know and possibly she made it up right then but I could tell it was coming from the bottom of her heart. She sang of the joy in her heart and that it was pouring out her hands. May God bless and keep me as we continued to share Gods love.  
I was brought to tears of joy and if I could have filmed them I feel sure you all would have felt the same love.

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