Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Raindrop

Consider the life of the raindrop.
He is born into this world cold and alone.
Falling downward toward the dark earth below,
He is uncertain about the purpose of his existence.
What did he do to deserve such a life?
He feels solitary and forgotten.
He sees the other raindrops falling around him.
But he is too concerned with his own problems, to think much about them.
He spends his entire life as a raindrop trying to slow his descent or at least make it more comfortable.
But there is something the raindrop doesn't know.
Below him is The Ocean.
And what happens to the raindrop when he finally reaches The Ocean?
Well, he stops being a raindrop,
And he becomes The Ocean itself.
It is at this moment that the raindrop realizes he was never just a raindrop.
He is and has always been something much greater and much more wonderful.
Matt, the volunteer coordinator here at HOM, uses this for a devotion with the teams. (not every week but often enough) It made me think the first couple of times I heard it…how we often feel alone but really we are surrounded by so many who love us and want to help or be let in. And there are times in our lives when we remember that and we don’t feel small and alone but a part of God’s bigger picture. That is what we have to keep in mind—that there is a bigger picture and we have a part to play in it.
Then I continued to think about water/rain…the water cycle when it all happens again. The drop gets evaporated into the sky-away from the ocean and forms a cloud and then falls again…and I figured he thinks the same thing again—how it is alone and falling…People are the same way. It is so easy to forget even after we see that we are a part of the bigger plan…Something ‘bad’ happens and we feel alone again…But there is always that bigger picture if we can remember it…Of course, it helps to have people who can remind us of that as well.

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