Sunday, September 25, 2022


We start our time in Mponela with orientation. Rev Mwasakifwa led us in a devotion using Luke 4:38-40. He spoke of how Jesus could have stayed in the synagogue but that he left and went to Simon’s house and healed his mother-in-law and then all who came for healing. Then he likened us volunteers as people who could stay in our lives at home but we have come to see the needs here and to help install wells and spread the help to others as they come. I have to admit when he first read the passage I was confused but I loved the interpretation (of course I did).
We were told that there have been some wells installed in Mozambique as their neighbors in Malawi had introduced them to the program. We are told as one well is installed, the word spreads and more help is needed (likened to Jesus’s healing). At many of the wells, the spokesperson says thank you, thank God, and thanks those in America who make this possible and please don’t forget our neighbors who also need help.
Betty and I are partners and we are staying in the Mponela area to install. We are working with Wilfred and his great installation supervisors and builders. The roads are bad (even worse than I remember), the distances are far, the people are joyful. Dancing and singing, giving gifts of bananas, ground nuts, eggs, chickens, rice, maize, and greens, shaking hands and greeting, sharing laughter and looks. Oh how it’s good to be back!


  1. Roads are even worse than you remember? Oh my! Be safe, my friend! God bless!

    1. Not sure how to login so I’m not “anonymous” but this Kimberly 😁
