Saturday, October 31, 2015

wells in Ntchisi

Jan and I are together again! (Jan's my partner from last year). After the training we are paired up (mostly-tho some go out on their own) and sent out to the different areas where wells are being installed. Jan and I are staying in central Malawi starting in Ntchisi. Our Field Officer, Mr. Francis Kaponda, came to get us from the lodge and we moved to Tuneza Lodge in Ntchisi. Dropped our things and headed out to the field.

Bouncing along to get as close to the well site as we can (sometimes driving right to it and sometimes with a bit of a hike to arrive). Sometimes the villages know that we're coming and sometimes we just show up. Sometimes they are told we'll be there but then we can't get there and I'm not sure they are told...This year we have come to an area where a headman has died and so there are not many people at all left in the villages as funerals are heavily attended.

The singing and dancing of the women at the wells is so much fun. The rhythms and clapping, repetition of songs meant that I can catch on pretty quickly and get right in. Most of the time it is the women who sing and dance but at some of the wells the men also get into it. You can tell that those are very happy villages!

49 wells put in in the first week (Tuesday to Tuesday) and we're moving to Mponela!

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