Wednesday, August 22, 2012


back in the US and a bit over whelmed (maybe a lot) but not necessarily the reverse culture shock i was expecting...but i hope to put an update of what has been going on and to continue updating with the everyday that maybe aren't so everyday...but give me a little time to figure it out and get where i think i can catch up...

here's what was happening in the lake (pond) outside our house yesterday...not sure what is going on--refilling tanks, moving water...but it was pretty
double rainbow?

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your reflections on returning. How about that first night in your home bed with clean sheets and your pillow? First shower at home different? It must have been a joyful time to walk into your church for the first time. Do you continue to prepare for a power failure at any moment with flash lights and candles in reach. I look forward to reading your experience. Rest well. jim
