Friday, September 20, 2024

The beginning

 I'm an independent person and don't like to ask for help. Especially when I feel inadequate or less than my best. I assume this is normal. 

This year, on Friday before I got on the plane I was sick-stayed in bed all day. (Other than a trip to urgent care where I found it wasn’t covid, flu, or strep.) Saturday I felt better (and couldn’t change my ticket) and flew to Malawi (masked all the way both for myself and others).  And I was much better but not 100%. So being off during the training was jetlag but also sick. I didn't tell too many people but they knew something was up. I confessed to a few and they continued to check in. 

On Tuesday we packed up and left Mponela for Dowa. We got new accommodations and then went out for a half day in the field. My partners kept telling me to not overdo it and I tried. Did some driving, didn't pick up heavy things, stayed at the truck for many of the installations. Since there are 3 of us I didn't feel that I was leaving anyone unsupported by not pulling my weight. But I wanted to go and do it all. 'We' installed 9 wells (8 of them before lunch at 3:30pm). 

I was able to be at 4 of them as they were close to the truck, napped in the shade in the back of the truck for 3, and greeted and talked to people who passed at the other 2. 

It was an unconventional first day but it'll only get better! (And it has!!)

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