Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We had a gathering to celebrate sophie’s 5th birthday and wish safe travels to Ken and Colleen. We had a braii (bbq) and a wonderful time chatting and being together…and the power went out. Nothing new but we had some talk about it…and we know that it is just beautiful to see the stars in the sky on nights like this without any light pollution, and so nice to eat by candlelight with the softer glow…but we easily lose sight of that as it seems to happen every 3rd day…just something that we have to keep reminding ourselves…it is a pain in some respects but we should be grateful for what we have and enjoy whatever life throws at us, knowing it is all temporary here on earth. And tomorrow will be different as well.

1 comment:

  1. lovely description of the night. and great advice on dealing with whatever comes along. As I read your blog and talk to other friends there, I do pass along the stories to people here in US. gives us all some better perspective on the stuff we gripe about here...God bless!

    Doug Kee
