Sunday, November 10, 2024
Moving in faith

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
I’ve been in Zimbabwe since my time in Malawi installing wells ended (a little over a week). It is my normal to do some travel to visit friends before I come home. I am all the way on the other side of the world. I did consider trying to get home earlier after Helene but also realized it would be expensive and I will be there soon. (Less than 3 weeks)
I’m visiting Ute who I lived and traveled with while in Malawi. She’s got a family here that I’m watching grow up and a beautiful spot to relax in. Life is hard with currency changes, supply issues, etc. but it is good too. Good school, garden that gets many birds and other animals, access to amazing national parks, etc.
Within this week we went to an Oxi day presentation (the kids go to a Hellenic school (Greek)). Both kids were part of the presentation. 2 swimming galas - one for each kid. Friends birthday party in which we found a bush baby (so soft and friendly with sticky paws as it climbed up). Along with spending time on their new covered veranda, coloring, crocheting, reading and games
Good friends…love it!
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Energy wall
(And happy birthday dad!!)
We drive with the windows down in the trucks unless there is a dust cloud coming or you’re going through a place known for tsetse flies. The air con works (but is very dusty to start and I think makes it harder to go back and forth from well install to truck ac).
We are driving and driving and I hear a roar from afar. Looking around I don’t see a source. It is a constant noise…and it’s getting louder. We stop and get ready to get out of the truck. The roar is getting louder and when I look out the window I see the source. Women and children coming toward us, yelling and chanting, singing and dancing.
As I open the door and get out of the truck the people are upon us. I’ve walked out and hit a wall of heat (I’m from the south) but this was stepping out and hitting a wall of energy and sound! There was barely room to get out of the truck there were so many people.
MMM workers got the well parts off the truck and headed to the well site. We volunteers continued to sing and dance at the truck because we couldn’t move with all the people around.
I pointed toward the first well (there were 2 in this village) and we slowly made our way there. The energy didn’t stop. Songs, ululations, clapping and dancing. Continuing energy that didn’t stop until the well was installed and it was time for the dedication.
I was at the same time exhausted and exhilarated from all the dancing and joy. I remembered an evening in Pearlington, MS where I was a volunteer coordinator after Katrina when someone said, ‘ coming here is like jumping into a pool full of Jesus. ‘ amen.
Friday, November 1, 2024
After the birthday celebration on the last night, we went around and heard from everyone about what they saw, experienced, some short reflection on being in the field. Here are some:
⁃ At our orientation we were told that being here would make us younger. But after 3 weeks in the field our bodies tell us differently. But our spirits, yes, our spirits have been rejuvenated!
⁃ amazement at the continuity of time and effort of the MMM workers and volunteers
⁃ Leaving the well and hearing the joy behind us of the village and the clean water
⁃ Headman told us that just ‘last week we lost a child to an open well, now we won’t have that worry’
⁃ The mountains have been flattened with smiles, the valleys filled with gratitude
⁃ The village prayers that are so powerful in the blessings of volunteers coming so far, workers coming to a place they have no ties
⁃ Messages on my phone from a village where we installed, the disbelief that we came and they DO have clean water
⁃ 2 crippled brothers who left their wheelchairs to join in the dedication
⁃ ‘The only water I’ll boil now will be water for tea!’
⁃ Continued cries on my phone for more clean water, more wells
⁃ Overnight delivery of a new radiator for a truck in TZ where overnight delivery isn’t a possibility.
⁃ Only together can we be who God created us to be. And when you pray, move your feet.