So now I’ve done it. I was so proud and confident. And then as I was closing the door I couldn’t stop it and I saw the keys still in the ignition. We went to install the well. The head woman is over multiple villages and she was very grateful we were there. She asked for more wells and was told to reapply next year as this year’s wells have been assigned. Back to the truck with a string and a wire. I had left the window cracked just a bit so that was what we had to work with. Tried to grab the window crank but that would have rolled the window farther up. 45 minutes and we got the wire and string to pull the tab up. And off we went. Wilfred told me, ‘don’t worry about it. It happens to everyone.’
Cholera has killed 110 people in Malawi this go round. And the people know it. Wilfred asks as we are dedicating and teaching them about correct use of the well. There should be no buildings within 30 meters of the well, don’t wash or bath at the well, keep any open water that is close moving, and keep the animals away from the area. It is a shallow well and the water comes from the surrounding ground. 
One headman went in for a while in Chichewa but said in English, ‘There are no toilets here!’ The translation was that if you are coming to get water (especially children) then know that you have to go to the bathroom before you come.
One headman went in for a while in Chichewa but said in English, ‘There are no toilets here!’ The translation was that if you are coming to get water (especially children) then know that you have to go to the bathroom before you come.
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