Thursday, September 15, 2022

Pilanesburg National Park

Reinette and I visited Pilanesburg and had an amazing time watching the animals! Sometimes they were far away but other times I felt like we could almost reach out the window and touch them!
They have taken off their horns as then the poachers don't come after them.
We passed lots of cars pulled to the side of the road...we couldn't see anything when we looked out and so we started to pass and I asked what they were looking at. Somewhat confused sounding, the first 3 vehicles responded 'nothing'. ?!? The next driver explained that sometimes down on the field there is a leopard kill and they were waiting to see if tonight would be the same...we decided used not to wait in what was quickly be coming A traffic jam looking at nothing! And thus we found many other animals but no leopards or lions...I imagine they saw us but were well camouflaged.
Family outing!

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