Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 3

Sunday was youth Sunday at the Lutheran church. And there were lots of youth there! There was a skit done of a meeting (decently and in order?) In which they discussed the need for uniforms and right worship...I didn't understand any more than that. The young woman (a youth) who preached used Matthew 18 and talked of bringing children to church to show them the way not keeping them away.

Tiffany and I were split into separate trucks to get more wells In for the third week. I went to Vwawa to work with Field Officer Sunday Samson. On the way there I was stopped for speeding. She came over and showed me her phone with a picture of the truck nd the speed radar...impressive but I didn't like it! 57 in a 50 kmph doesn't even feel like speeding. Oh well.

At one well, there was only 2 ft of water so we tried the 15 bucket test. If the well can fill 15 buckets it should be refilling fast enough...this well only did 12 buckets so the decision was to dig it deeper and then we would come back to install. It is hard to leave without an installation but it is better in the end.

I find in TZ that the people are more reserved than in Malawi but that, of course, doesn't hold across the board. I get to some wells and I get hand shakes and sometimes I get hugs and bounces. I always get smiles. The children are curious and sometimes scared (even terrified). At one well I got to cuddle with a 7 month old who was so happy. She babbled and drooled and stayed with me through the dedication. A 6 year old boy at the same well was scared and wouldn't come anywhere near me! (Boy in the TOOLS shirt pic). The next day I had another little girl come to sit in my lap as we watched the installation.

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