Sunday, September 24, 2017


*trying something new on posting through my email...don't know how this works or if it does. The title should be Zambia!

We're off! Early on Tuesday morning, Mr. Mhango, the Zambian MMM Coordinator, took us (4 of us, myself, Kimberly, Dan, and Don) north in Malawi and then turned west and we headed for Zambia. When we turned west, we got our first taste of the bumps. Most of the roads are not paved other than the main highways, and the roads do not get much maintenance so even the paved roads are rough with potholes. The border was not a problem, bought our visas and continued bumping along. We arrived in Lundazi where we stopped by the bank to change money (dollars into Zambian Kwacha) and then went to the hotel. We are staying at the Johnester Executive Lodge.

Our field officers came by with Mr Mhango and brought sim cards for our MMM phones. Isaac Ngoma would work with Kimberly and me, Goodwin Banda with Don and Dan. Relax, get settled and ready for tomorrow...(both Kimberly and Don are first timers, exciting!)

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