Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Going back to my time in Canada with Christian Peacemaker Teams...

One of the recurring themes or topics of our time with the First Nation people in Canada was circles. Circles are continuous, they have no beginning and no end. The earth and sun and moon are circles. Water drops, tree rings, wigwams, the cycle of life and water.

In a wigwam or around a table one sits in a circle. There is no head or foot, everyone is an equal presence. When discussing things they use the idea (as did we for our time there) of a sharing circle. In our culture we more often use a popcorn style discussion in which anyone can talk, but often it is only the outgoing who speak. We learned the sharing circle where the time to speak goes around the circle. Everyone gets a chance without having to break in or push for a turn.

The life cycle was explained to us that everyone grows old once but everyone is a baby twice. As newborns and as very aged we need others to take care of us. As those who are adults have learned from their elders, they take care of the babies and the elders as the time comes. It is community living and it is based on relationships and interdependence.

When we met with Judy da Silva, a First Nations Elder, in the wigwam she explained to us that they live life in circles. In cycles that don't end but that continue...whereas the industries and businesses, the government work in squares. And I could picture it. The excel spreadsheets that have figures and numbers in them rather than names and faces. Big business isn't taking care of the land and the people but their bottom line. To clear cut the land isn't good for the people or the land, but it is cheaper and better for profits. To leave the mercury poisoning in the rivers, streams and lakes isn't good for health of the land oor people but it is the easy and cheap way out. The goods and profits can be packed up, lined up and put in a box--in a bank or a safety deposit box or excel spreadsheet.

It is a sqaure peg and a round hole. They won't go together until the priorities align. To see the people and the earth as more important than money. To see that the future will be better for everyone if we take care of it now.

Ubuntu -- I am because you are...we depend on each other.

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