Parents have visiting hours and it is heart-warming to see when they are able to come, but heart-breaking to know that they don't have the means to care for their children. There are many children who don't get visited for whatever reason. Sadly there are always children for volunteers to hold (wouldn't it be nice to not be needed like that?). To hold, feed, change, and love a child. Language doesn't matter though sometimes it would really help. One little boy kept biting me when I wouldn't pick him up (not the best way to convince me) but was overjoyed when I sat down and was on his level even if I was holding another child.
If the child isn't hooked up to an IV there is a space to take them outside. There is a need for more shade there but we moved around and found what we needed. There are many children there and some of them I have recently learned can be adopted. I have only ever been into the first two rooms where the sickest children are, but as they get better there are another couple of rooms for them and they are more active three. The upstairs holds the orphanage but the one time I walked up there the kids were all downstairs on the playground. The hardest part is putting them down when it is time to leave. Often at the end of visiting hours so everyone is leaving and therefore crying. But I am grateful that there is a place like this for the care that they do get.
If the child isn't hooked up to an IV there is a space to take them outside. There is a need for more shade there but we moved around and found what we needed. There are many children there and some of them I have recently learned can be adopted. I have only ever been into the first two rooms where the sickest children are, but as they get better there are another couple of rooms for them and they are more active three. The upstairs holds the orphanage but the one time I walked up there the kids were all downstairs on the playground. The hardest part is putting them down when it is time to leave. Often at the end of visiting hours so everyone is leaving and therefore crying. But I am grateful that there is a place like this for the care that they do get.
As a complete contrast to that: today I was blessed to be able to visit Jean Gaudy's house. He moved about 2 months ago farther from Terre Noire (less crowded area). His new house was finished a few days after the birth of his daughter, Berlandy. I told him that I would love to meet his daughter and see his house if possible. He said yes but we haven't done anything until now (a week before I leave). Before my afternoon class we went to visit. It is a nice house though he tells me it isn't finished yet. He wants to add more rooms and it still needs to be painted. Berlandy was sleeping when we got there and I was afraid I wouldn't get to see her but Madame Jean Gaudy went to get her. She is adorable! Chubby and happy, with a head full of hair! She didn't cry at all even when faced with a blanc right after being awakened from her nap.
I give thanks to God for all the babies and the people who take care of them.
(No pictures are allowed at the hospital, but here is one of Berlandy and me)
she has so much hair and looks like JG! i love it!