Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Croix de Bouquets

The next week was a group from Blackburg, VA who worked in the clinic. The first night they were there Maddie and I learned the names of all 11 of them. We weren’t sure if we’d be able to do it the next morning but the week was off to a great start. After church they were headed to Croix de Bouquets where a lot of the metal art comes from in Haiti. It felt similar to the wood markets in Malawi with shop next to shop next to shop with many of the same things but here you could see how different artists did things with a little different flair or technique. They have things as big as a door to small butterflies or angels, geckos, trees. I bought a butterfly and some angels. One of the women bought a very large sun that we weren’t sure how it would get back (but it did).  One of the last shops I went into had wine holders—one of them was taller than me! and held at least 30 bottles. There were also smaller ones.

I’d been wanting to go to check this place out since I’d first heard about it (back in Novemeber), but whenever the teams would go I would always be busy with class or unavailable. Now I can say that I’ve been and would still like to go back…there were many shops that I didn’t check out and while after a few shops the art does start to look the same, you can find some jewels in there!

I can take orders if there is something you might want. We'll just be creative with how to get it to you and when.

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