They are two dog’s in the play ground. Goofy wanted to play golf. And he started to play in the sand. And Goofy called pluto come and play with me. And pluto don’t want to play.
Pluto was playing golf with Goofy. Goofy Start to put tee. Pluto start to hit the ball. And the ball go at the hole. And Pluto was the winner.
Pluto wants to play golf. Pluto says I will start. He hit the ball with a golfsick. The ball goes in the hole. So Pluto he say i’m the winner.
Pluto wanted to play golf. Pluto call Goofy to play with her. Goof said what do you want for me. Goofy said I be a winner. Pluto said I will be a second.
Pluto like to play golf. Goofy wanted to play golf. I don’t find the ball. How can find the ball.
Goofy like to play with a golfstick. Pluto read for the game. They started the game. Goofy started to throw golfstick. This is a golf. Goofy hit the golf.
They like to play gof. Goofy made sandcastle. Goofy put on the ball. Pluto wanted to start. Goofy won the game. Pluto won second.
Pluto wonted to play golf. to play golf and he start. and Goofy tell Him to tak a boll And he tell hime wdys the boll. And he was find it and he was stated to play agn the Game.
Goofy like to play golf? p0luto started to play golf. okay said Goofy let’s play golf. Pluto said I dont want to play golfstick? okay I will start. but I will be a last one? okay you can be a last one. yes
Pluto wanted to play ball. And Pluto said I will start. And he makes a sand castle. And I will be the second said Goofy and Goofy won the golf.
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