Thursday, December 16, 2010


Malawian wedding receptions seem to be a fundraising activity. We also arrived late to this event after wandering around Lilongwe in our suits, but still arrived before the couple descended the steps and alighted on the stage or front area. And for them to walk down the aisle there had to be a double line of people each willing to give K500 (~$2.50) to the couple as they slowly danced to the front. Once at the front the mc was in charge (well he was the whole time) this part of the day was all in Chichewa so we didn’t understand most of what was happening other than lots of money giving…there was a large couch up front and the wedding party sat behind the couple (on the couch). The mc would have the bride or groom stand forward with a basket and call out categories and if you fit in that particular category to the front you would go with a gift of money. So to welcome one into the others family (bride to groom and then groom to bride) it would start at K500 and then after the people stopped coming forward the mc would drop to K200 and then K100 and then open it for any amount that anyone wants to give. Then he said that because Stella looks so beautiful (K500,K200,K100, open) Bazilio looks so handsome. Because you are friends with them, because they are a couple, because you work with them, etc. and on and on and on and on. They even sell pieces of the wedding cake! In the same auction style…little bites that have been wrapped in foil who knows when before the day…to the side of all the proceedings is an exchange area so that you can get smaller bills to shower the couple with. I would be very interested in finding out how much was made at the reception…

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