Friday, September 29, 2023


 We arrive and get the parts out of the truck. 3 metal pieces (head, pump, t handle), 3 pipes (big one, thin one, spout), 3 down hole plastic parts (foot valve, plunger, collar), tool bag (PVC cement, connectors, tape measure), and 2 pipe wrenches.

Get to the well site to find it cleared off (if they had warning we were coming). Attaching the head comes first. 

Then drop the big pipe down with the foot valve attached to measure the depth of the well and the water. Cut it off about 6 inches short and attach the collar so that it doesn't disappear into the hole. While that is happening a second person is putting the pump on the t handle and attaching the thin pipe that will then get measured to the big pipe and the plunger attached. 

All is dropped into the well and screwed in as tightly as possible. A small fire is lit to heat up the spout so that it slides onto the pump and voila 1 new well!!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Big day!

We were aiming for 15 well installations today and managed to conplete 13. Not bad! (In no particular order since I can't seem to move the pics around from my phone)
Sometimes when we arrive the sand and bricks from curing the cement are still on the well. It doesn't take long for the villagers to clear it off so we can get to installing!
Joy of splashing in the water!!
There is a pit at the end of the drain that should be filled with rocks and when it isn't there are usually plenty around as well as helpers!
Filling in the demographic information--well and water depth, gps coordinates, village name and number of households, who is at the installation (MMM, village head, water committee chair) and the photo!

So far we haven't had to drive across any scary bridges but there have been some to walk across (this is loose ish bamboo all the way across)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


(This was supposed to post last week but I just found it in my drafts)

Today's was one that I wrote so here it is:

 Jessi Stitt Volunteer, North Carolina 
 You teach me the way of life. In your presence is total celebration. Beautiful things are always in your right hand. - Psalm 16:11 

 Day 6: The last three wells we were going to install weren’t too far apart and yet, they weren’t all that close together either. When the wells are close, we can install, pray, and take a picture and then go to the second with the whole crowd to do the dedication service. Often we will walk between the wells. But these three wells were far enough apart to get their own dedication services and for us to drive to the next wells. 

 We installed the first well, did the dedication service, and took the picture. After the celebration we returned to the truck and drove to the second well. As we were installing it, I recognized a young girl in green from the first well. She gave me a shy smile, joining in the singing and celebration just like it was new to her. We dedicated the well, celebrated and returned to the truck to continue to the third well. 

 We were in the midst of the installation, I was greeting those at the well. I had shaken the hands of the adults and had moved on to the children – who are excited and scared to touch the azungu (foreigner). It sometimes takes a couple of brave souls to first shake my hand before the rest are clamoring to be next. And who should I see but the girl in green, that same smile on her face and her hand outstretched. she knew that she was seeing a miracle in the clean water. Maybe she was just bored and this was the most exciting thing happening in the area. Maybe she just wanted to be in another picture. But to me, it showed dedication to trek between the villages, participate in the celebrations. It showed joy in the happiness of new beginnings.
 I was tired, it was the end of a day at the end of a busy week. Her presence gave me energy. She reminded me that showing up can be a gift. 
 Application: When is the last time you had an opportunity to show up for someone? Did you do it? How will you show up for someone today? 
Prayer: Creator of all, Thank You for this day. Thank You for those who show up and are present. Help us to be one who shows up, help us to recognize Your presence in those around us. Amen  

Monday, September 25, 2023

Extra days

We take Sundays off. Go to church, rest, get ready for the next week. We went to St Benedict Catholic Church in Dowa las my week. Beautiful choir, altar boys and girls who danced during songs.
That afternoon Francine and I went to Kongwe Forest Reserve where we found very few people and trees! Fall colors and a beautiful view and breeze.
Wednesday was a travel day. We left Dowa for Nkhotakota, field officer change from Mr. Kamanga to Mr. Kaponda. Nkhotakota is at the lake! And looks to be the resort area. Rest assured we are still out all day putting in wells and while the area is flat, it is hot hot hot. But my day ends with a swim.
This Sunday we went to Nkhotakota Game Reserve to see what we could see. We took 3 field officers with us. Elephants (one chased us!), a sick hippo, impala and bushbuck (too far for a good pic)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The day to day

We start out early. I'm awake but trying hard not to move at 5:30. Breakfast of potatoes and a boiled egg at 6:30. Then brush teeth and get in the truck. Load pipes (if they aren't already loaded) and head out for the market to buy lunch (bread, peanut butter, cokes, and cookies). Then at least an hours drive to the first well picking up a supervisor and a builder along the way.
Meet and greet, sing and dance, 'help' with installation and inputting location and demographic info, dedicate and celebrate, then back to the truck to go to the next village.
Break for lunch under some kind of shade and away from too many people. continue on. Repeat until about 4pm when it is time to head back towards the hotel so that we're there by dark. 
Shower, dinner (rice and veg and maybe chicken), and bed so we can get up and do it again!!

Thursday, September 21, 2023


The little people, some of whom won’t have to remember dirty water!

Getting our own water from a bore hole (drilled and very deep) I would also fill my bottles from wells installed before this year as they will have been closed for over a year (this years might be ok for me but they’ve been unprotected recently)

Past waterhole (comes complete with tadpoles)

Other nature

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Getting work done too😂


Week one!

Francine and I are out and about in Dowa district which is north of Lilongwe about an hour from the lake. We've got mountains and hills, hikes and places we drive right up to the well, dancing/singing and silent reverence. Gifts of chickens, ground nuts, tomatoes, a rabbit, maize, tamarind, soya, bananas. Since Tuesday (our first day in the field) we have helped install 37 wells. Wilfred Kamanga, our Field Officer, has 280 wells he's in charge of this year. So we've made a small dent thus far.
Headwomen and men have both mentioned the cholera outbreaks in Malawi and that they have noticed in places with MMM pumps there are no cases. They thank us for coming and implore us to take their thanks back to the US. Asking for God's blessings to continue that the work may also continue.

Posted By jessi to here, there and beyond at Sep 17, 2023, 8:02 AM

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

In country!

My flight from Zimbabwe was an hour late but the line to get through customs was non existent as all the other incoming flights had come through (much) earlier.  MMM coordinator Jordan Banda had waited for me and off we went for Mponela, Thope Hotel and the rest of the team. An afternoon to relax, greet people, and repack getting ready for heading out into the field.

Monday is all about orientation. Welcomed by all 4 coordinators (north & central Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania). An opening devotion from Acts 10:34-38 by Reverend Mwasakifwa. That this is God’s work that we’re doing as the hands, eyes, and feet of God in earth. That we go out and change lives and are changed by this experience knowing that what doesn’t change is God and God’s love. 

Tom Logan (founder) reminded us that the goal for this year is 3500 wells. He also said that we have 4095 wells that they would like to build-that many villages are desperate for clean water. Then he said that as of yesterday only 1697 wells have been funded but we move forward in faith.

I’ll be working with Francine for this first three weeks. We will start working in the Dowa area (where I worked last year). Here we go!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

To Malawi today!

I thought this posted on Sunday...

The first team of volunteers lands in Lilongwe today. Some of the higher ups came in even earlier.
The following was written by Tom and Jocelyn Logan, the founders of MMM and was the devotion for Sept 1 of you would like to get emailed devotions or a downloadable format, you can find them on the website ( or for $.99 on amazon.
Marion Medical Mission is celebrating another amazing year - 38 in all! God has blessed us beyond belief, allowing us to bring clean water to an estimated five million people. We have overcome challenge after challenge - and with your help - we have accomplished the impossible.
Together, we have built nearly 50,000 wells, and these wells are a permanent solution to the water crisis in villages in rural Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique. Your support is saving lives and improving health for generations of people. A Marion Medical Mission well in an African village means the children no longer die from water-borne diseases. It means healthier people who work longer in their fields, producing more food, meaning less starvation.
In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic meant we could not send U.S. volunteers to Africa, the first time in 35 years. And again, in 2021, there were no U.S. volunteers in Africa during well season. In 2022, we were blessed to send a small group of seasoned volunteers to witness the miracle that occurs when wells are installed. And now in 2023, we are sending two full teams of volunteers!
Our staff in Africa is the best of the best! Covid-19 may have stopped U.S. volunteers from going to Africa, but it did not stop MMM from building the wells! Our 2023 goal is to build 3,500 wells, providing 3,500 villages with urgently needed clean drinking water, covering roughly 60,000 square miles in Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, and now in Mozambique. These new wells will provide an estimated 350,000 people (210,000 children) with a sustainable source of safe drinking water. Think about it! 350,000 people will get the message this year that Christians in the U.S. shared the love of Jesus with them.
God has given us more than enough. We have the resources, and we are called to share them. Thank you for Joining the adventure, the excitement, the joy of making a difference. Together, we make the impossible, possible. When we pray, we move our feet!

Friday, September 8, 2023


Lots of time coloring, (Clara, age 5) 
playing legos,(Felix, age 7)(these are 8 different vehicles from pictures in a book)
swimming in the pool and running around the large yard.
Reading, napping.
Monkeys in the trees every afternoon. 
Bright colors,
constant bird calls,
fresh avocados. 

MMM starts next week! I’m loving this catch up time!