I'm leaving on August 25th to visit friends in Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe before heading to Malawi on September 18th to volunteer with Marion Medical Mission. I'll help install wells (drive and greet) for 3 weeks, returning on October 10th.
I thank you for your past support and ask again and most importantly for your prayers while I am away. If you would like to help with my expenses, tax deductible contributions can be sent to Marion Medical Mission with "Jessi Stitt trip expenses" in the memo line (1412 Shawnee Dr. Marion, IL 62959), otherwise you can send a check to me at 203 Tomahawk Ave, Blk Mtn, NC 28711. (My banker-*thanks mom- will be able to deposit even after I'm gone.)
I will do my best to update this blog while I am there so that you can follow along.