Driving (riding really) around Haiti (and Malawi) is a test of recognition. There aren't very many street signs to help you on your way and I find that many if the walls that surround the properties look extremely similar. As I don't drive here and don't see myself driven or going anywhere on my own I'll admit to not paying Bert close attention to directions and how to get places. So it took me a while to place myself and the community centers of HOM. But I've got that now and if needed can get from one to the other.
However, when coming from a different place through the same neighborhoods I can still get turned around and confused. My sense of direction seems to have taken a hit and I continuously think we should be going left when we go right and right when we go left.
But the joy of recognizing where we are stays even when it doesn't last very long. And often even when I'm wrong that momentary joy is uplifting. At other times it is disappointing how little I recognize or how reliant on others I am.
It often brings to mind walking a labyrinth. The first time I did it I didn't really think about it...follow the path, get to the middle, follow it out again. But the subsequent times have been more thought provoking. I think I read a guide or some questions beforehand. It recommended thinking about where you were in your journey and noticing that sometimes you seem to be in the same place but are always (in the case of the labyrinth at least) in a slightly different place. This is true in life as well. Since all of our experiences change us, we must take even the things that seen the same in a different way. I suppose in this way we can be said to gain wisdom.
On our way home from dinner I figured out where we were twice! Very exciting! Especially since it was also dark out.