When traveling and/or living out of the country everyone
gets worried about being sick and the strange diseases one may get. I for the
most part have been very fortunate. I have been sick a few times but that is to
be expected in anyone’s life. Since coming to Haiti I have yet to get laid up
from any illness (knocking on wood now).
One of the biggest worries in these tropical places that I pick
to live is malaria. Though I will have to say it was much more of a worry in
Africa than it is here. It isn’t as prevalent here but we still take
precautions especially in the early evenings when the mosquitos like to come
I woke up one morning with bug bites all over me. And they
really itched. My back and my legs mostly but some on my arms too. They didn’t
look like mosquito bites and I didn’t remember getting so many bites. The day
before there had been some kind of an ant invasion…they were everywhere, in my
clothes, on the desk, in my computer, etc. I wonder if they’d bitten me so much
as to make this kind of reaction. Because they do bite and I didn’t have a
better explanation than being bit enough to cause a bigger reaction…applied
anti-itch cream and took Benadryl. The bites were still there for a couple of
days but that did seem to handle it. Luckily the Benadryl only knocked me out
on Tuesday morning after I’d finished my class…
I also got some bug spray and sprayed my room…I’ve since
been finding one dead cockroach every other day which is disgusting but at
least he is dead…
No worries now. I’m back to the normal number of bites and
much less itching!
Three Hands is the statue at the nearest round-about to us. The Haitian island (not pictured) is quite large. The hands represent the countries that are helping Haiti. |